Saturday 30 May 2015

Success leaves clues: Part 2

Following on from part 1 what we know is this; becoming lean isn’t about what foods you need to avoid, what training split you need to follow or even how much organic natural hippy strength coconut oil you need to consume.

It simply comes down to this; what does it take to become the person I need to become in order to be lean. The key traits that are the bread and butter of the lean individual are discipline, focus and perseverance.
Scientific knowledge of the body and its various processes is not necessary. 

Going off some of the #instafit crew on social media we know this to be true.
Great genetics is not necessary either. 

Look at any crazy transformation online and you can appreciate that awful genetics can be circumvented to an appreciable degree with enough work ethic and determination.
Sure, a head full to the brim of knowledge could absolutely help you in your quest for beach ready. If both your parents were Olympic athletes it would also help no question, but if you have don’t have either of those are you forever doomed to be average? Keeping in mind the average person here in Ireland is now classed as overweight or obese.

What it takes for someone who has fallen off the wagon with their exercise and eating to get back on track is simply habit reformation. In order for any new behaviour to work long term it has to be easy to do and to be honest in my experience I have found it has to be incredibly easy to do.

We can go back to the teeth brushing analogy and look at how simply and easy it really is. I have said it before the three biggest factors affecting your ability to live a healthy lifestyle is time, money and priorities. The time it takes to brush, 1-2 minutes. The cost of a brush and toothpaste, €2-3. Is teeth health a major priority in most people’s lives, probably not, but for most that fact that it was high on their parent's list of priorities, its importance was therefore drilled into them from an early age. 

So how can we apply this to health and fitness? Start small even minuscule. A 5 minute walk in the evening or 5 press ups in the morning would be a great start. Do that for a few weeks and I guarantee you, you will want to do more in a matter of days. Starting by committing to going to the gym 5 times per week or running 5 miles every day is a recipe for failure. In a number of weeks you fail to keep this up and you will associate a level of negativity with health and fitness and your ability to control your physical being. What you need to be able to say initially after completing any form of training or exercise is this,

“That was tough but I was able for it, I can't wait to do it again”

If you can say this in the beginning stages of getting back on track there is no telling how far you can take it. Make it too easy in the beginning in order for you to stay the course long term.
What type of training you do isn't that important, your ability to adhere and remain consistent with whatever you decide to do will determine your results you get at the end of the day.

“A set back is a set up for a comeback” Les Brown.

Stay tuned for the final part to success leaves clues coming next week.

#EMF #resultsbasedtraining #itspossible

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